Got the airbrush out over the weekend, and after a thorough disassembly and clean, managed to successfully get a whole bunch of things undercoated and started. I've now got Mordrak (Ghost Knights are nearly on bases too), a Land Raider, two Rat Ogres and handler, and the scarabs ready to go. Thanks also to Chris from Deepstrike Radio for the suggestion to try Vallejo Spray Primer - the stuff works straight out of the bottle and its fantastic! No more buying $22 cans of Chaos Black for me!
So I sprayed out these Canoptek Scarabs with Chaos Black, then the bodies were given a light spray of Vallejo Oily Steel, which was carefully applied to show a variation in the steel across the body - slightly brighter toward the midline top. When dried, they were given a wash of Badab Black and Devlan Mud to put some shading back into the bodies, then edged with Mithril Silver. They actually look a lot more metallic, but they came out quite dark in the photo. I'll have to shoot another photo on a white background when they're all completed.
The eye was painted in Mechanicus Orange, then Golden Yellow, and Bad Moon Yellow was applied for the highlights. A final light hilight of Chaos White was added as a spot in the top corner of the lense, and a curved sweep around the bottom, to complete the impression of it being glass.
The base was reset with Chaos Black, then Charadon Granite was dry brushed onto the lava rock. The lava itself was painted with Skull White, then Blood Red was painted in, and dry brushed up onto the lip of the lava rock for the reflected light. Some Blood Red was also dry brushed under the Scarabs so their is some reflected light under their bellies. Then Orange was mixed into the still wet Blood Red paint, and swirled and blended, adding more into areas as required. Yellows were gradually mixed in the same way, attempting to build up to a brighter highlight in the middle of the lava. A final blend of light Skull White was added on the hottest parts of the lava.
When completed, I matte varnished the model, then gloss varnished the eye lenses and the lava flow. The entire time to complete painting this model was about 30 minutes. I've got another two bases of Canoptek Scarabs to complete, and the Necron Warriors are waiting to be attached to their lava bases too.
Canoptek Scarabs [1]
- Date: Sunday, February 19, 2012
- Labels: necrons, wargaming
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