Had a fun Capture and Control mission against Eldar on Saturday. I'd originally come in for Spearhead, but ended up playing a normal game. My list consisted of:
Land Raider Crusader 250pt
Epistolary Librarian with Plasma Pistol 165pt
Rhino with dozer blade and searchlight 56pt
Predator with twin lascannon, heavy bolter sponsons, and dozer blade 150pt
Tactical Squad (10 man squad) 170pt
Death Company with power fist, thunder hammer, and power weapon 170pt
(961pt total)
We setup for Capture and Control with 4 objects set: a Bastion midway down the field, a crater at each end, and another crater off to the side near the middle. The Blood Angels deployed first, and I put the Tactical Squad in the Rhino, the Death Company in the Land Raider, and deployed the Land Raider at the front of the deployment zone, followed by the Rhino. The Predator stayed in reserve.
The Eldar deployed troops in their deployment zone with their Wave Serpent, and some on the hill to the side.
In the first turn, the Blood Angels Land Raider moved forward, and opened fire with its hurricane bolters, and killed 7 Eldar troops. The Eldar then failed their leadership test, and retreated. The Rhino moved back slightly to seize one of the crater objectives. The Wave Serpent returned fire but was unable to damage the Land Raider.
The Eldar bought on their Wraithlord and their jetbike squad. The jetbikes moved up behind the Bastion into the Blood Angels territory. The Predator came on from reserve, in the corner where the jetbikes were, and opened fire. Two of the Eldar jetbikes were smoking wrecks. The third escaped back behind the Bastion. The Land Raider moved up and deployed the Death Company. They moved in to assault the Wraithlord. They were able to damage it, but the Terminator with thunderhammer was stepped on and crushed. The Wave Serpent fired on the Land Raider but was unable to penetrate its armor.
The Land Raider avoided firing on the Wave Serpent, and fired on the remaining Jetbike destroying it. The Predator moved forward into range, and fired on the Eldar Autarch on jetbike, where it exploded in the air. The Eldar troops moved up and attacked the Death Company, killing another 3 members. The Eldar star cannons fired on the Land Raider, but failed to damage it. The Autarch attempted to use Mind War psychic power, and killed some more Death Company.
The Land Raider fired on the troops but missed. The Predator moved up to support the Raider. The Eldar troops moved up to surround the Raider and contest the objective. They failed to claim the forward crater objective. The Eldar retreated back to the hill.
The game ended with a victory for the Blood Angels - the Death Company died in glorious battle, but the Blood Angels claimed two of the four objectives.
I was a bit worried about the Land Raider not being much use since I had to remove the lascannons from the sponson - i'm missing the other set of lascannons from the other side, and had an illegal loadout previously. The hurricane bolters worked a treat though, and while I couldn't do much to the Wave Serpent, I could chew up ground troops pretty well. I'll definitely have to resolve that issue, and I'm probably going to have to buy an upgrade sprue to get the missing lascannons. I've also realised I'm missing a few men from each of my units, so I don't have complete units. I've found the pieces for the missing guys, and started completing them. I've already finished some more Tactical Troops, and the Sergeant for the Devastator squad. I've also dug up Dante, and I'm making some repairs to him now.
Battle Report: Blood Angels vs Eldar
- Date: Sunday, June 20, 2010
- Labels: battle report, eldar, space marines
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