• Lemartes, Guardian of the Lost [3]

Spent the long weekend working on and off on Lemartes. The armor is pretty well done, not that its difficult to paint, since it's mostly just black, with some edging. I did try to add some more blue highlights to the plating though by using some stronger Regal Blue mixes with Chaos Black.

The red harness straps, and red on the shoulder pads was painted with Mechrite Red, then washed with Devlan Mud and Badab Black. Red Gore was then applied, then a mix of Red Gore and Blood Red, with a final highlight of Blood Red.

Most of the mucking around now is in the detail. Lots of gems, stuff on chains, purity seals, etc. I've been batch painting a lot of the gold detail, using Calthan Brown as the base coat, then an application of Dwarven Brass. I then wash it with Devlan Mud to add the deep shading, then apply Shining Gold carefully, with highlights of Burnished Gold. A final wash of Gryphonne Sepia brings the gold up nice. I may also add some highlights to the gold using Mithril Silver.

The gems are painted with a base of Chaos Black, then Mechrite Red, then washed with Devlan Mud. The highlights are Red Gore, then Blood Red, then Blazing Orange. A final specular highlight of Skull White is carefully applied.

Purity seals are painted in Liche Purple, then a highlight of Liche Purple and Skull White is applied. The cloth strips are painting in Calthan Brown, then Kommando Khaki, with Bleached Bone edging.

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