The red harness straps, and red on the shoulder pads was painted with Mechrite Red, then washed with Devlan Mud and Badab Black. Red Gore was then applied, then a mix of Red Gore and Blood Red, with a final highlight of Blood Red.
Most of the mucking around now is in the detail. Lots of gems, stuff on chains, purity seals, etc. I've been batch painting a lot of the gold detail, using Calthan Brown as the base coat, then an application of Dwarven Brass. I then wash it with Devlan Mud to add the deep shading, then apply Shining Gold carefully, with highlights of Burnished Gold. A final wash of Gryphonne Sepia brings the gold up nice. I may also add some highlights to the gold using Mithril Silver.
The gems are painted with a base of Chaos Black, then Mechrite Red, then washed with Devlan Mud. The highlights are Red Gore, then Blood Red, then Blazing Orange. A final specular highlight of Skull White is carefully applied.
Purity seals are painted in Liche Purple, then a highlight of Liche Purple and Skull White is applied. The cloth strips are painting in Calthan Brown, then Kommando Khaki, with Bleached Bone edging.
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