• Orks [1]

Had a rummage in my hobby drawer and found a bag of Orks, so I've been having fun painting these up. My daughter thinks the ones with topknots are girls, so she insists on dictating the color of their hair scrunchies, makeup, nails, etc. I'm almost tempted to hack a topknot off one and convert an ork to have piggy tails!

I started with the skin, basing with Orkhide Shade, then Warboss Green, Moot Green, and a spot highlight of Camo Green. The recesses of the muscles are washed with purple wash.

As my clan is Bad Moons, I've tried to incorporate some yellow somewhere on the models. I usually paint them with Skull White, then Golden Yellow. Shading is provided with Devlan Mud.

I'm using basic techniques to get them painted as quickly as possible. For example, pants are painted with Deneb Stone, washed with Nuln Oil, and given a highlight of Bleached Bone. Quick and simple.

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