• Shokk Attack Gun [1]

This has always been one of my favourite models, and I've always wanted to build one even if I wasn't running an Ork army. Such a great sculpt with lots of detail, fun little things like the grots clawing at the ground as they're sucked up the feeder.

I started by cleaning up the Finecast. As usual there were a few holes in the parts, particularly along edges of things. I filled the holes and gaps with liquid Green Stuff. I had to repair the boss-pole which was snapped off when I received it. I drilled it out, and pinned it back on again. The feeder arm was attached to the body. The main body and legs were attached to the base, and the sucked up grot was attacked to the base. I then detailed the base using basing components from the GW range, green stuff to blend the resin parts, and then GW sand over the green stuff. The gun arm, spinning ball part, and feeder hose were left separate to be attached after painting. I primed all the parts in black.

The ork skin was painted in my usual color scheme. I painted a lot of the main parts in yellow for Bad Moonz klan. The metal parts were finished in Leadbelcher and washed with Nuln Oil. Edge highlights were applied with Ironbreaker. Brass parts were painted in Dwarven Brass and washed with Devlan Mud. They were then re-highlighted and given a light brushing of Shining Gold for the highlights.

The feeder hose was painted in shades of brown, and shaded with Devlan Mud. Edge highlights were applied with Bleached Bone.

I'm currently working on finishing the shokk gun.

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