• Dreadknight [1]

I'm working on some commission work at the moment. I've got a Stormraven, Dreadknight, Dreadnought, and a Strike Squad to paint. Here's the Dreadknight and I'm currently working on detail painting.

The armor has all been painted with Oily Steel, then given a light spray with Silver. I've then washed the recessed and panel lines with Badab Black.

I'm trying to break up and create interest in the model by shading the different metallic sections, or adding a painted color layer to various panels. I'm using Red and Whites on the leg panels, and adding some Grey Knight heraldry to the shin guards and knees. The upper shoulder guards will also have some heraldry added. Later I'll add some chipping and damage to the paintwork when I'm ready to start weathering the model.

He's also going to be standing on a lava base, so there will be some opportunity to add some OSL toward the end of the project.

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