This is formerly my daughter's Ravener. It was painted in a very nice blue and red scheme, but it got trashed after she took it too school to show her friends. When it returned the paint was pretty much ruined, and it was broken, missing arms and talons. So it's undergone extensive reconstruction, including the replacing of missing talons with a pair of Genestealer arms. Then it's all been repainted in the more generic white and black/purple scheme that GW has been using on it's Tyranids. I'm planning on having it put onto a snow base, possibly with some tyrannic greeblies poking through the snow.
Update: The Ravener is almost all finished now. I'm just working on the base. Initial tests on some Hormagaunts with the snow basing material look pretty good. I'll have to take the Ravener a step further since it's a bigger unit. Having a look at options for icicles at the moment.
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