Update: I've purchased a can of Chaos Black spray, and it was much quicker and easier to undercoat the model than hand brushing the entire figure. The finish is also much smoother and even, so I'm converted! I will never hand brush an undercoat again. I've been dividing my time between this and my Hammerhead, so the building hasn't progressed much in the last few days while I've been working on the tanks camouflage. I have completed the street lamp that came with the Manufactorum. Finished in a mix of Tin Bitz and Scorched Brown, with Tin Bitz highlights, blended up through Dwarven Brass, and finally highlights of Mithril Silver on the edges. It was washed with Devlan Mud to dirty the metal finish up. The light was painted with Regal Blue, Ultramarines Blue, and finally blended up with Ice Blue. A wash of Asurmen Blue was applied to tie the color together.
Update: Purchased a tube of regular white acrylic paint for canvas, and mixed it in with an existing black. Started dry brushing the entire manufactorum. When that finished, added more white, and dry brushed and stippled on further highlights of gray shades. Base color completed now, so looking to start on the fine details.
Update: Started painting in some detail. I base coated the bronze parts with Scorched Brown, and then dry brushed in Dwarven Brass, with a final wash of Devlan Mud. Some scratches and highlights were applied with Mithril Silver. Metals were painted with Boltgun Metal and then washed with Badab Black. Highlights with Mithril Silver. The lamps were painted the same as the street lamp.
Update: Continuing to paint in detail. Added rust patches using a watered down wash of Scorched Brown stippled on rusty surfaces, followed by a wash of Bestial Brown, and a final highlight wash of Vomit Brown. The large skulls were painted with Adeptus Battlegray, then Codex Gray, and highlighted with Fortress Gray. The red eye sensors were painted in the usual way: Red Gore, Blood Red, Flaming Orange, with Skull White highlights. The red wires were picked out with Mechrite Red. The small lamps on the building were painted in the same way as the larger lights. The little gauges were painted Skull White on the face, Chaos Black on the needle, Blood Red for the danger portion of the gauge, and little lines around the face in Chaos Black for the gauge markings. Fiddly as hell to paint, but they look awesome!
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