Update: Ended up washing the Adeptus Battlegray of the clothing and cap with Badab Black to add some darkness back into the clothing which was getting too light. When that was dry, I then built up the highlights again with Codex Gray and very light Fortress Gray. The red trim was completed along the coat and shirt. The buttons on the front of the coat were painted with Boltgun Metal, then Chainmail, with Mithril Silver highlights. Same for the skulls on either side of the coat lapels. Applied some Badab Black carefully around the buttons to add some depth. The axe was painted with Boltgun Metal then washed with Badab Black. The rings and pommel on the handle were painted with Scorched Brown, Shining Gold, and Burnished Gold. The handle was painted with Mechrite Red, then washed with Baal Red for shading. Then the individual pieces of wrapping in the leather on the handle were carefully picked out with an 0-gauge brush and Blood Red. I skipped the Red Gore as the color of the washed Mechrite already looked pretty close to it. The shaft of the axe was painted with Scorched Brown, then a wood grain pattern painted on using Bestial Brown. There's still more to do on the axe's metallics. I'm trying to decide what to do with the skull and crossbones detail on the axe blade, so I'll come back to that. The flamer had metallic sections painted in Boltgun Metal and washed with Badab Black. Then carefully the individual parts were repainted in Boltgun. The jagged detail around the end of the flamer was painted in alternating Dwarf Bronze triangles. The fuel bottle had its rings painted with Tin Bitz, and the skulls on the side picked out with Skull White. I'm thinking the main body of the flamer will probably be a very dark gray/almost black. The aquila will probably be in Shining Gold, or perhaps Skull White. I'll come back to this also, once I've thought about it a bit more.
Update: The entire axe head was carefully repainted with Boltgun Metal, being careful to leave shading in the different folds between parts. Brushed the edge of the axe blade with Chainmail, then a highlight of Mithril Silver.
Update: Pinned the body and arm, then glued on with superglue.
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