The Deff Dread is a heavy solid lump'o'lead. I cleaned up all the mold lines on the components with files, washed all the parts and started assembling. There was quite a lot of pinning involved, and Green Stuff was used to fill gaps on the body and around the arm, and leg joints.
Anyway since my Orks are Bad Moons, I've got with a orangey/yellow bulldozer-type paint scheme. I do this with a white undercoat, Golden Yellow basecoat, then heavy wash of Gryphonne Sepia. To really dirty it all up, i hit it with a wash of Devlan Mud when the previous wash dries. Once the various glyphs, checks, etc are painted on I'll go back and weather the surfaces.
The metals are finished in either the Boltgun Metal, Badab Black wash, and Chainmail highlighting, with perhaps a wash of Devlan Mud to dirty it up, or Tin Bitz, with Dwarven Brass, and Devlan Mud Washes. I may try hitting some of the metal surfaces with a Green wash to tint.
I've kept most of the hydraulic hoses black, and used an Adeptus Battlegray, with Fortress Gray highlight along the high points of the cables. The wiring I've used Scorpion Green, and Enchanted Blue which looks nice and bright alongside the Yellow hull, and adds some visual interest.
I was a bit disappointed that it didn't come with a base, and the Games Workshop guys did try to find me a 60mm base for it. I ended up using a spare one that I had lying around from something else. I did think about buying a resin one, but my Orks are on dirt or rock bases anyway, so I figured I could make one easily enough. I will probably look to add some debris to the base to make it more interesting though.
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