Update: Continuing to work on more fine details such as wiring, various gears, hydraulics etc. Darkened the power claws up with more washes of Badab Black. Then picked out edges along blades with Chainmail and Mithril Silver for extreme highlight. Adding scuffing and scratches along edges of armor plates using Mithril Silver. Painted dags and checks carefully on the armor using Chaos Black, then adding scratches. Highlighting rivets on yellow armor with Golden Yellow, and Chainmail for the metallic parts. Added some additional highlight layers to the ork skin, and particularly the face. Picked out the gums using Liche Purple, then produced several highlight shades by mixing Skull White into the mix, gradually lightening it up.
Update: Pinned the arms to the body. Not quite sure how to attach the jaw piece to the suit as it doesn't really have much to pin on, but I'll work something out. Gradually building up more detail, finishing the brass, and the hydraulics on the suit. Shaded the black underclothing, in shades of grays, then washed with Badab Black to tone it all down. Also adding more dags, checks, and rays to the suit. Feeling happier with the way the various cracks in the armor panels are coming along - Applying a Scorched Brown crack/scratch, then a fine white line along the edge to create the 3D effect.
Update: Completed the MegaNob today and handed it in for the Painting Klub competition. Gotta wait till the end of the month to see if I win or not, but still kind of a thrill to see it on display in the shop window. I was going to pick Boss Snikrot as my choice for the next competition, but thought that too Ork selections in a row might annoy people, so selected Rider of the Dead from LOTR for my choice if I win. In a mad panic this morning, I decided to make a Bad Moons icon on a boss pole for display on the Mega Nob. I carefully cut the icon out of sheet plastic, glued panels onto it, and applied rivets using the PVA and a nail technique. The boss pole was made out of a piece of sprue from a Thunderbirds kit (it had nice round sprue, so I cut a t-junction). I wound some wire around the pole in a suitably orky fashion, and painted it all up. I think it came out quite well in the end. So now it's crossed fingers for a good result.
Update: Okay so didn't win. Bit disappointed, since didn't seem to go up against anything that great. Oh well they're entitled to their opinion I guess. So next competition is Night Goblin on Giant Squig. Yep, it's a square-base!
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