Some better pictures from White Dwarf leaked of the upcoming Tau release today. The new Tau goodies are looking much more exciting, although I do wonder why the head on the Riptide suit is so tiny? But the new uber-suit is looking awesome, and will probably be a must purchase for my Tau army. Looks like there are a few different weapon options, and some new drone models look good too. I like the much more solid looking legs, and while they still have the chicken feet, they don't look like they're going to snap off at the ankle quite so easily. Unfortunately I'm not sure I can say that about the arms as the actual upper arm looks tiny compared to the massive gun. I'm definitely looking forward to the April White Dwarf shipping, so I can check out some turnarounds of this model.

The flier is also looking a lot more promising in these shots, although I'd still like to see some more shots of the flier, underside and profile specifically. It just doesn't scream high-tech enough to me, which is what the Tau are all about. You can see the WWII undertones in the design.I still like the Forgeworld designs a lot better, but somebody suggested approaching it as the difference between a flier/plane and a spaceship - that the FW models are more spaceship. I suppose that's one way to look at it. I am wondering what's going to happen with the Skyray? Supposedly the model has been withdrawn, but I haven't seen a replacement kit leak out yet, unless this flier is it?

The box set of Pathfinders has some unexpected bonuses - some cool new drones included. It will be interesting to see what rules changes surround these now. But I'm expecting that Pathfinders are going to be pretty critical to the army - possibly more than before - and we're going to be buying a lot of these. Hopefully I'll be able to continue using my existing Pathfinders without too much drama.

And finally some shots of Commander Farsight. It's hard to tell if this model has changed much at all - he looks pretty much the same. He's not a character I ever got very excited about, as he came with a whole bunch of equipment restrictions due to being outcast from Tau society. I'm really hoping some of the other character models are getting updates - I've always liked Shadowsun and the Ethereal with Honor Guard models. The Tau have always been a bit short changed for individual characters, so hopefully that's something that will be addressed in the updated Codex. Certainly exciting times ahead!
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