It's been a long long wait, but finally Tau are getting a refresh. Some leaked shots from April's White Dwarf showed up on the Net over the weekend. Already the whinging has started online about the pricing (okay I get that, it's not great, but for me it just means confining my purchases to my army only - no more buying things because I think they look cool or fun to make), and complaints about the design of the models.

I think the new Riptide suit looks awesome, though I have to agree with comments made about the difficulty of storing some of these large models. Having just moved house, I had huge issues packing up and transporting some of my models. It really highlights the inadequacies of the cases that GW sells - they just don't hold the big models well, and you don't want to end up with many multiple cases.

The new Broadside Battlesuit is interesting because GW seems to have adopted a modification that's been circulating on the net for years with the handheld rail guns. However, its hard to tell from the photo exactly how different it is, so I'll reserve judgement for when the White Dwarf ships.
The fliers are probably the model I'm most unimpressed with so far. They're pretty ugly, and Forgeworld does better Tau fliers in my opinion. But I'll wait until I see one close up, and maybe it will be better.

I'm just absolutely thrilled that my main army is finally getting some love from GW. Honestly it's been so long since the Codex was updated, I was starting to wonder if it was ever going to happen. Let's hope there are some nice new character models coming too. I'm a little disappointed that there are no sign of new races yet, but hopefully that will be something coming in future releases.
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