I got ahold of a second-hand IG Sentinel online. It's the older style model, without the multi-part legs. I pulled the roof canopy off so I could paint the interior and purchases some bitz from Back-2-base-ix. I've added a searchlight and an insignia to the front of the Sentinel. The basic hull scheme has been Chaos Black undercoat, Orkhide Shade foundation, followed by drybrush of Catachan Green, and edging of Goblin Green. The insignia were painted with Astronomicon Gray and then Skull White. I've fully detailed the interior, although it's hard to see - it has fully painted gauges and lights on the dashboards. The searchlight required a bit of modding to get it attached to the hull. I carefully removed the handle and the end of the bracket. The bracket was carefully pinned to the Sentinel hull, then the pivot on the rear of the light was cut flat, and pinned to the bracket.
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