I won last months Painting Klub competition, so this month I get to pick the model, and I've selected Snikrot. And I'm really glad I picked him, cos he's got an awesome amount of detail on him. Necklaces with ears hanging on them, chains of dog tags wrapped around his arms, the skulls slung between his legs, the backpack bristling with stik-bombs. I'm just having a blast painting him. I'd still really like to get Kaptin Badruk - love his pirate look with his medals and things on. So most of Snikrot is my standard Ork scheme, but I've worked up dry brushed layers of Rotting Flesh to the hide to lighten it, and I've used some mixes of Liche Purple and Skull White on the ears and lips with a wash of Ogryn flesh to tone it down a bit and provide some shading. Otherwise he has a lot of Boltgun Metal, washed with Badab Black (sometimes with multiple washes like his knives), and highlights and scratches of Chainmail and Mithril Silver. Also a lot of coppery metals so Tin Bitz with highlights of Dwarven Brass, washed with Devlan Mud or Badab Black. His camo pants were painted with Shadow Gray, then washed with Badab Black for shading, rehighlighted with Shadow gray, then camo markings of Fortress Gray.
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