Here's the latest batch of completed Moria Gandalf, Orthanc Gandalf and Saruman, Tom Bombadil, Wormtongue, and Farmer Maggot complete with his dogs. I'm painting furiously at the moment, since I have an excess of time on my hands, and I'd like to start getting some of these finished. Tom Bombadil was sitting in the drawer for months waiting for his boots to be finished. Farmer Maggot had two incomplete dogs, who now look awesome - makes me want to make some hobbit village scenery so I can play a hobbit game with him (better not right now, or I'll get the beatdown from the missus). Orthanc Gandalf and Saruman I've done over the last two days. They go with the Palantir I'd previously finished. Now I'll be able to get some wizard battling games going. Wormtongue is a repaint because I wasn't happy with the figure previously. I think he looks much better now, not so muddy. Moria Gandalf is from the Mines of Moria starter set. He's the first one of those figures I've painted so far, and I chose him because I particularly like Gandalf the Grey with his hat. He's awesome, and I like the way the mini came out. Now onto the next bunch.
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