I've started back in on painting the Clanrats again. This batch is going to have green robes, with a mix in of dirty cream and browns. I'm also going to rust up all their weapons and armor. I've heard about some rust effects paint which saves a lot of time for doing rusting on metallics, so I'll have a look around for some of that. Otherwise it'll be the usual dry brushed Rhinox Brown and Mecharius Solar Orange which will probably take awhile to do, and require a bit of care to avoid getting it on the cloth or skin of the models.
After some success completing a Strike Squad and Terminator unit in a week, I'm trying to finish these Clanrats as quickly as possible by batch painting very simple schemes, with as few layers as possible. Only the character or attention seeking models get extra love, such as the banner bearer and drummer. So as simple and effective as possible is the way to go.
I'm going to start assembling the Storm Vermin for painting next.
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