So I've always liked the Doomwheel kit, its pretty intricate and detailed. But be aware it needs a bit of forethought before painting, and you don't want to assemble the entire thing as it would be too hard to paint. So I went for sub assemblies. Mainly, the two wheels, and the central body, and then all the little bits and pieces that go on to finish it were done separately. Clean up of the kit wasn't too bad, but there is a seam running around the middle of the wheel rings, and all across the main body that needed shaving flush.
I basecoated all the parts using Vallejo Black Model Primer, which didn't take long, then started spraying out the Boltgun colored parts with Vallejo Oily Steel. All the bronze parts were sprayed in Vallejo Brass, except boiler tank on the back that had a coating of Vallejo Gold on it. The Oily Steel parts were washed in Badab Black, and all the brass and gold was washed with Devlan Mud. Some of the brass was given two washes to suitably dull it down.
The wooden slats on the wheels were painted with Khemri Brown, then dry brushed with a mix of Khemri and Codex Gray. A dry brush of Bleached Bone was then applied. I then lightly washed individual panels with either a green, red, or yellow wash. When the washes were dried, all the boards were painted with Devlan Mud to blend it all together. I then painted in the nails and symbols on the wheels with Boltgun Metal. I then repeated all these steps on the small rear wheel, as well as the wooden slats on the small platform.
The banner was airbrushed with a mix of Red and a small amount of Black in the folds. I then mixed in some light flesh and sprayed up a mid tone. Then a spray of pure Red on the higher parts of the banner. Then another highlight of Red and Red Leather, and a final very light highlight with some light brown in the mix. Finally I washed the banner with Devlan Mud. Next, I will freehand paint on all the checks and insignia as in the box art for the Doomwheel.
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