Getting the rubberband off Ikit proved to be a problem, as some of the superglue had run out from under the backpack, and onto the band. I eventually managed to scrape it all off. The top of his gauntlet also proved to be a big problem to fit. It just would not fit on flush at all, no matter how much filing and sanding I did. I ended up fitting it to his arm, then using Green Stuff to fill in the gaps, and make it look like it should. While Ikit is a fantastic looking miniature, I think GW was being a bit ambitious trying to make these metal models. Plastic probably would have made for an easier fit together.
Started with painting the metal parts with Boltgun Metal, followed by a wash of Badab Black for shading. The bronze parts were painted with Tin Bitz, then brushed with Dwarven Brass, then highlights of Shining Gold, and final spot highlights of Burnished Gold. The rat medallion on his banner pole looks great!
I've painted the basecoat on his robes with Charadon Granite. I'm going to work up to a light gray/off white. I don't want the robes looking too clean and white though, because he is a rat after all!
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