I went a bought another spray can of Chaos Black and used it to prime all the remaining monks. Then I started batch painting all the skin on each monk. So far I've done a pass at all the basecoats of Tallarn Flesh, then a wash of Ogryn Flesh, then a highlight stage of Tallarn Flesh again. I'm tossing up whether they look good enough, to whether to do one more highlight stage of Tallarn Flesh and Bleached Bone. I've also done all the horns and exposed skulls with Adeptus Battlegray, Fortress Gray, and Skull White.
It is pretty painful to do 17 at once, and I can't say I'm loving doing this many. I did buy some new brushes though, and that's helping a lot. I got a much shorter detail brush, so I can do the fine detail but not have to worry about having the brush bend about everywhere.
I've also started doing the Globadier, although I haven't been able to source a replacement gas tank for him. It's looking like I'm going to have to scratchbuild something. Might just have to try the Green Stuff!
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