I'm currently working on an Orc Painboy to enhance my Bad Moons army. I've also finished a couple more gretchin as well. Again I'm trying to use Golden Yellow with a wash of Gryphonne Sepia for the Bad Moons coloring, as it gives a nice yellow/orange color, and I want the army to feel coherent. He's been a pretty good figure to paint so far, lots of details - medical tools, knives, syringes. The syringe was quite challenging to paint, but I think it came out well. I started off by blending up gray's to a white highlight along the top and bottom sides of the syringe. Then I painted in the liquid inside, in this case Red Gore, up through Blood Red and Orange, with sort of a bubble effect in the liquid. When the figure has been all finished and matte varnished, I'll go back and gloss the barrel of the syringe, and hopefully it will look sufficiently glass-like.
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