So this is the Captain Sicarius model from the Assault on Black Reach boxed set, but I'm painting him as a Blood Angel captain instead. Haven't really decided on a name yet though. Wish GW would put out some special characters for some of the other Chapters, since it seems to be only the Ultramarines that are getting all the glory at the moment. I've painted him in my standard red armor combination, and the adornments have been painted in Scorched Brown, Shining Gold, and Burnished Gold. I'm going to go all out with the highlight layers on the golds, to try to make it look really special. The cape and tabard was painted in Adeptus Battlegray, then washed in Badab Black for shading, then reset to Battlegray, up through Fortress Gray and into Skull White. The back of the cape will be heading up to Chaos Black, with Blood Red trim.
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