Here's more progress on the Devilfish. I've got parts of the command sprue installed now to make it into a command vehicle. Luckily someone had photos of their Devilfish available and they showed me the error of my ways with the midship sensor array. I thought it was just a spoiler and was going to install just the spoiler piece on the top of the Fish. Probably still would have looked good, but I have to admit the sensor pods slung under it look awesome all painted up. I think I'm getting the hang of painting lenses now too, and they look really good as well. I've also found there's some more antennas that need to go on, but I still haven't been able to figure out where the little turreted sensor pod is supposed to go. I have thought about slinging it under the hull on a magnet, but I'll keep checking around and maybe I'll be able to get some guidance.
I've finally made some progress with the engines so they are attached now. I'll have to add some streaking and exhaust marks to the engines yet though. The Bubonic Brown color of the hull has had several coats and is finally starting to look and non-streaky. There's still a couple of places where the Tausept Ocre foundation paint is visible, but shouldn't take much to finish that now.
Still mostly undecided about the camouflage, but leaning towards not putting camo on now. I had wondered if the camo would be a bit silly since I have these red/brown panels all over the Fish. Overall, the Fish is looking great. To finish it will need decals, some gluing still, and some weathering to add the effects of desert dust and dirt to it. Not too much more to do now.
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