Here are a couple of my repaints. I was never particularly happy with Legolas and Aragorn. They were painted really basically, pretty much per the instructions in BGIME which tends to be a bit simple sometimes. Since I've improved quite a bit, I really wanted to repaint them, add some shading and highlight levels.

I'm much happier with them now. When I've got some more paints, I'll be able to tackle the variant figures for Legolas and Aragorn now. I'd started painting Aragorn the King in NZ, but didn't get much past doing his skin. I haven't got any blue paints at the moment, so that rules out continuing on with him for now. And I need to get some greens too. I've only got Camo Green and Dark Green Ink for doing goblins, which are coming along nicely. I've just got another 4 to paint the skin on, then it's onto clothing and armor which is quite quick and easy to paint compared to messing around with their green hides.
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