I couldn't resist anymore. I had to crack open the Balrog package and start on it. It's the most friggin awesome miniature I've gotten yet. I don't know how I managed to keep it packaged since December (although not having any paints because of the move might have had something to do with it). I've got it all glued, and I've started prepping it with a basecoat. I'll probably have to get some green stuff though, so I can fill in the gaps. It's particularly ill fitting around the wings, and will need a bit of puttying down his back. I couldn't decide whether to make him with the whip or the sword, so my wife suggested the whip was the coolest. I'll try to get some progress photos added as he's worked on.
I've finished the black undercoating now, and started the basecoats of white for the lava and fire textures on his skin. I've started painting out the cracks in the skin, so the white provides a nice bright undercoat to lift the red, yellow, and orange colors. I'm hoping to pick up the colors for these on Friday when I can get into the city.
I'm continuing on with the white undercoating. I've painted the whip, and picked out more of the cracked skin across his shoulders and down his back. I'm being careful to avoid the areas that I still need to putty in though. I'll definitely have to get some green stuff soon to do it. I'm also painting in the tiny little cracks on his wings, arms, and down his tail.
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